Can’t believe this is the 800th posting I’ve done on this blog…. It’s both astonishing and depressing all at once 🙂 Sorry about the quietness again (apart from Wilson’s wonderful animal gentalia, of course) but it’s been a mad busy week. Doing outside broadcasts always is, but Dundrum was just great.
Trying to fit The Blizzards into our tiny studio, nearly 300 if you turning up to our screening of The Prestige, talking to 419eater guy and trying to do the show as normal all around that….
We’re wrecked after last night but just chuffed at what we think was a really good week of shows… Listeners never get any less lovely, surprising or entertaining.
Take the people who all responded to our “what are you doing right now?” question last night… The guy thinking of telling the girl next to him that he was in love with her, the family coming back from watching the sunset in Ballybunion, the girl hoping against hope that she was going to get her deposit back from her landlord, the one about to break up with her boyfriend by text, the one feeding pringles to her dog in the traffic jam outside Ennis, the people on the toilet… Definitely going to do that one again 🙂
Don’t even get me started on all the people who suggested ways of getting rid of mice, all your incredible Guilty Pleasures, the brilliant Dave Couse showing me the original book with the lyrics to Endless Art in it, Liam O’Connor breaking a world record in studio by playing 11.6 notes A SECOND on his accordion, Amanda interviewing Hugh Jackman and Michael Caine… Top, top week.
Bell X1 will be in on Monday, we’re outside The Forum in Waterford on Thursday in The Roadcaster and whatever else presents itself between now and then.