The day we almost ruined all our careers….


It’s a tired cliché but the weeks really have flown by… But before I head off into the arctic wilds of Donnybrook I have to note a passing… You may know her name from the millions of references to her on air but the only surviving member of the original team on the old Full Irish is our broadcast assistant Penny and today, she’s off. Only for a couple of months allegedly while they make her into an all powerful producer but we think that once she gets a taste of real power she’ll be running Pat Kenny in no […]

Why I’ve finally succumbed to being a media phony…


I should first of all point out that I don’t have a mad social life. Yes, I’m only 31 but living in the country with a family doesn’t make that sort of stuff easy you know! There are always the rare exceptions… Last Sat night went off to the very funny Colin Murphy in Vicar Street, felt much sympathy for poor Declan in the front row (I now know more about his life than I do about some of my friends’) and really enjoyed the support, a guy called Colm McDonald from Dundalk. We all headed off for a drink […]

My poison of preference…


Wow. Loads to share about the weekend but for the moment I only have time for one. Sunday evening, almost 5 now after being out til 5 this morning (and yes, that is a Herculean effort for someone who gets up at 4am weekdays!) and I have some life experience to share that may prove useful to you. When I was in college pints of Bulmers were my tipple of choice (as any student will know they are great for nursing on a limited budget.) As I got older I went through a Bacardi phase brought to a merciful end […]

The post where I rattle on about stuff I like….


Hadn’t really fully thought out this whole blogging situation until I actually got one up and running but I’m sure others use theirs to rattle on in a semi-dictatorial fashion about stuff they like and want to recommend……. Eeeeeexcellent….. 🙂 I read a lot, actually pretty much constantly whenever 5 minutes presents itself (a nasty habit carried over from childhood) so maybe that’s as good a place to start as any. Am about to start Rex Pickett’s Sideways (yes, the one the movie was based on) as I don’t get to the movies as often as I would like to […]

The level of insanity….


Have just spent the last half hour trying to source a single sound on the net for a thing we’re doing on Monday! The level of devotion to quite anal perfection….! End of the second week now and we really seem to be flying… It’s actually quite weird to be part of a large group of people working on a quite content-intensive show. This morning we had Ruth, myself, Penny (our BA), Eamon (our sports guy) and JC our producer all busy beavering away for 3 hours and the buzz you get from just having so many people to talk […]