Cameron Does Krakow…

Went into my local Spar over the weekend too. Not unusual to see foreign language papers there but the first time I’ve seen an Eastern European one. Weird to see Cameron Diaz staring out of all the cyrillic script though. That’s globalisation for ya…

We had the “Rick & Ruth I can’t believe it’s not drinks” for the end of the brekkie show too. Yes, I know it’s been a while and few enough people even remember we were on breakfast (!) but trying to get a free Friday or Saturday in Ruth’s schedule…

Had fully intended to get a few pix but, as usual, the light and my memory let me down. This was the only one I could get of Ruth’s fetching new beret. It doesn’t make her look like a French 1960’s student radical terrorist at all 🙂

Got this one sent to me later on – taken by Producer Sinead who is far more adept at these things and has a camera with an actual flash!:

Ruth, (formerly) Fanning Show Amanda and Dan…

And there are huge mushrooms growing outside the radio building…

That is all.