14 thoughts on “Hamley’s @ Dundrum…

  1. I am going to be demoing a new product their but need to find someone to help out – got any friends who might be interested?

  2. We have developed a new board game called About Time – http://www.playabouttime.com – and Hamleys have been really supportive of the project and have offered us a demo space at Dundrum. My colleague Joe will be in Dublin next weekend to kick of the demos but as we are based in Brighton, England, we need someone to work with us on the other dates through December. If you or anyone you know is interested in getting involved (and getting paid too!) then please email Joe@playabouttime.com

  3. Hi Rick, I’m going to be in Dundrum on Saturday 6 december promoting the new board game About Time, of which I’m an inventor. We are looking for one or two people with sales experience and confidence to help out between now and Christmas. Contact me on joe@timegame.co.uk or 00 44 77 48597168.


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