It is Sunday isn’t it?
As I mentioned earlier here Friday was our industry’s big event at the glorious Burlington Hotel… Next month when you see the IFTAs it’s the same hotel, same room, same tuxes and dresses, much less effort 🙂 After all, we got into radio because TV seemed like too much hassle. Some take it very seriously, most of us don’t…
I may have had a glass of wine of two as the whole continuity of my memory of the evening is a little hazy. In no particular order I do remember:
Spending 15 minutes in the front seat of the car belonging to Bryan from the Future Kings Of Spain talking about how their new album is coming along…
Ending up in Club Anabels for the first time ever. Don’t think it was a conscious decision – just one minute we were upstairs in the hotel bar, the next we seemed to be in the club… Maybe they have some sort of matter transference beam that’s controlled by thought?
Thinking how cool my mate Jonathan looked in his white suit, raffish scarf combo…
Cornering (host for the night) Dara O’Briain late on about how I went to see him in Vicar Street and how great he was. I must have seemed like someone on day release…
Sending Nikki over to “borrow” a bottle of red from the table of some friends when we had ran out and the waiters were too busy with dinner to serve. She scored! She’s a very resourceful girl…
Meeting and having conversations with at least a dozen people whose names I couldn’t remember for the life of me even though we’d worked together…
Finding out that one of the biggest names in the business and a guy I’ve listened to since I was a kid reads here. Very, very cool…
Talking to Clare Byrne from TV3 for at least 5 minutes at about 3.30am – subject unknown but I definitely did mention the new news sets…
Jenny, Dan, Nikki and myself survived longest in Anabels; meant to take a load of piccies but the best laid plans… Did get one or two though from some friends who seemed strangely reticent to appear in these virtual pages:

Left Dan alone after this look… 🙂

Talked this year to a load of new people I’d never physically met before too. I’m a great believer that we don’t always get the positive affirmation about our jobs we need from those closest to us and that telling someone you genuinely really like and admire what they do can go a long way (always works with me anyway!)
I try always to do it the sober end of the evening as I think slurring part of what you’re saying takes away from the message…
I really had the best night I’ve ever had at one of these things – met a load of old mates from elsewhere, got a rare chance to be out with a large group of our lot all at once and got to show off my hot chick wife who thankfully doesn’t read here to see such blatantly true words written about her.
Darren, Pat, Laura and John whose guests we were saw that we wanted for nothing but that’s just how lovely they are all the time 🙂 Had a friend tell me that, despite my own personal perception that I was fairly pie eyed, he saw me late on “working the room like Frank Sinatra”… Not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.
Hit the leaba at 4.30…. I genuinely am getting too old for this and praise the Lord it’s only once a year… Back to reality tomorrow… Mi amigo David O’Doherty is our guest tomorrow night and he’s even bringing his keyboard! Priveliged indeed…