Lift Space, Queue, Barry Maniloeuwwwwww…..

If it’s Wednesday then it must be my distracted ramblings in Dublin City…

This was in a lift. I did. For 8 minutes. Nothing happened.

Passed these guys in Grafton Street and almost joined them. A queue of very well dressed people standing as statues and very occasionally taking a step forwards. Either performance art or the government’s new way of getting people from one LUAS line to another…

Had an abstracted moment in Eason’s as I was looking for rubber bands (don’t ask!) The amount of calendars for 2006 out now is unreal. All the usual movie star, place and hot chick ones but many, many more. Jackasses (the animals, not the MTV ones!), Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Aurora Borealis, Arabian Horses, Pigs, Hamsters and my personal favoutite below:

One for the Xmas stocking…

Saw Joss Whedon’s Serenity earlier. Heard all the hoop-la about it in reviews and happily most of it is bang on. Fast, zippy, interesting characters, a cast of unknowns, a bad guy with depth and great looking fx as well. Obviously one made for love after the series it was based on Firefly was axed after half a season in the US… Check it out if you get the chance…