This is really getting into the realm of Rorschach blots…
After Parts ONE, TWO, THREE and FOUR I bring you:
Christmas Is On The Way….
I Bring You Peace…
I Am A Zebra…
This Is The End….
I stress as I have done before that all coffees are real, untampered with and either Lattes or Cappuccinos 🙂
PS Jaysus – Damo has really raised the bar tonight the fecker… Can’t tell where he’s going with the music next but I’m interested in it all…. Gives me the incentive to go out at ten and really give it socks and that can only ever be a good thing…
New Richard Ashcroft single just in and it’s well worth a spin…
Loads of thought going into 75 Bands; yes, I know the answer is probably somewhere on the web but where’s the fun in that?