Park Jobs Of The Richer & Famouser…

Part 2 as promised (the original is HERE)

Creating a third row of spaces above where there is none…

Why take one space when 2 are available?

Yes, this guy is parked on a box…

A snap sent in by Noel, our listener in the West Indies…

Got some?


2 thoughts on “Park Jobs Of The Richer & Famouser…

  1. Hi Rick, i know all about wonky parking. A certain shop in my town has a reputation for bad parking. nobody parks there properly its unreal. anyhew, love the show and look forward to more blog things.

  2. Ah sure isn’t it just a great blog.But it would be even better if I could hear ‘The Famous Polka’ on the show – They Might Be Giants – the greatest band to ever exist.

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