No, I’m not going to start this with an “I’m sorry…” as that just wouldn’t be accurate. Two weeks of holliers followed by the last few days of starting a completely new radio show has meant that blogging has taken a back seat.
I’m also mulling over whether blogging will have to take a back seat permanently what with the demands of the new show. To be honest with the way the day worked out I had time every night before I went on to faff (is that how you spell it?!?!?) about here and on the Myspace and Bebo. Now time is very tight and there are a hundred more demands doing part speech radio (I was sitting in my kitchen reading the papers and thinking about the show at 8am this morning for crying out loud!)
Not that I won’t blog anymore; just that it will have to be more focused. I still fully intend to make this the first point of information for what’s coming up on every evening’s show but it may be next week before I have that up and running.
As for the show itself it is simply THE most fun I’ve ever had. I was born to do this; even if each 3 hours feels like about 9…..
Already Big Brother Spiral, Louis Walsh, 25 years of MTV, the last TOTP and wonderful listeners baring their souls about the most childish things they still do (climbing trees, bringing colouring books to work, the guys building Lego in Palma airport, the trainee accountant who carries the Harry Potter wand around with her…) and the others (the complete looper who was at the German Grand Prix, that brilliant kid who deconstructed Cars).
They’re just legendary… Call me anytime during the show with anything – 1850 715 922.
Tonight it’s PJ Gallagher on working with Mr. T (!), Springer giving us the actual guide to surviving Hi:Fi Ireland this weekend and John Walsh from Hot Press talking new console games among the dozen other bits that will crop up as we go along. Playing some very fine music as well if I do say so.
If you want to get involved that would be great – we’re looking for pepople to come on to a panel tomorrow night to review the week’s singles – it’s called the Yes/No Patrol…. 🙂 Mail if you fancy giving it a go.
More soon I promise!