I rarely forward these things but this is an important one and I’m definitely going to be paying in at the door on Sunday night…
Hello all, We all receive joke/junk mail every day but this mail is different, please give just five minutes of your time to see why I’m determined to give something back to Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin…
I am sure you are curious as to why I would be keen to get involved with this great cause; it’s because my daughter Sophie was diagnosed with Hypopituitarism – a life threatening condition – when she was only 3 days old. Hypopituitarism occurs when the pituitary gland in the centre of the brain is under developed. This is the master gland, which in turn produces the hormones which you need every day to live. Without hormones, you cannot laugh, cry, feel, smell, or engage in any of the normal emotions that we take for granted every day. With medication, these hormones can be replaced to a certain degree, but for example, if Sophie picks up a slight cold it can cause major problems as her brain does not know to send the necessary hormone increase to combat it. When the pituitary gland is under developed this in turn leads to the under development of the optic nerve, leading to 60% of children with this problem being born blind. We are lucky that Sophie has only been affected in one eye and has full vision in her left eye. At the age of one, Sophie was diagnosed with Epilepsy, and it is only when you watch your child go through something like this, while you stand by, helpless, it is only then you understand how much you would give to change places with your child, so they didn’t have to suffer these terrible fits.
The reason I want to put on this event is to give back just a little something for all the work that Crumlin Hospital have done for my daughter and our family. Without their professionalism, their kindness and their understanding, Sophie and many other children like her would not be here today. The hospitals team is doing a fantastic job under very difficult circumstances and I would like to raise as much awareness as possible to fund research so that the life of the next child who is diagnosed with Hypopituitarism or Epilepsy might be a little easier to bear, by both the child, and their parents. I’m confident I can negotiate a large deal with one of the main toy companies to buy presents for all of the children in Crumlin Hospital, that can’t make it home for Christmas, this year.
As I’m sure you know, there are children that live in hospital from one year to the next, gazing out the window, wondering when will they get to go home, to play with their toys. With the funds I raise, I fully intend to give these children a moment of happiness by providing them each with their own special toy.
Our event is taking place in the Button Factory (previously known as the Temple Bar Music Centre) with bands Penfold DM and DC Tempest set to appear, as well as some Special Guests on the night. I am now happy to announce that The Kinetiks will now be headlining the gig!!!!!
The date is the 18th November 2007. Doors are open from 7.30pm till late. There is a cover charge of €15, with all proceeds going towards the cause. Everyone is welcome and I promise it to be a night of great music, great company and great laughs, and all for this great cause! If you would like to contact me for any reason, about the gig or the cause, please see my details below. Please contact me by email if you would like to make a donation to the cause and I will contact you back with the bank account details. Thank you for taking the time to read through this, I look forward to seeing you on the night! Warmest regards,Simon Andreucetti, on behalf of Sophie
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