Went to the Toys For Big Boys thing in the RDS over the weekend and came away with my wishlist for what you, my friends, family and listeners, can buy me for December 25th š
A skate ramp… Combined with skating lessons and an actual board would help as well…
A scary-ass chair in the shape of Spongebob…
My own personal climbing wall complete with people to hold me up in case I fall (optionally it can be in the shape off my head…)
The Aston Martin Timothy Dalton and the Czech chick who played the cello lashed across the ice with in The Living Daylights… (Side mounted machine guns NOT optional)
A tank.
Shy of this, some other kind of armoured military vehicle…
The comfiest bean bag I’ve ever lain down on….. I regularly press my sweaty little nose against the wall of their showroom in Dublin but daren’t venture in as my days of having disposable income are long gone… Mmmmmmmm.. Bean bag……..
That is all….